Concept Art Portfolio Guidelines


  • Strong fundamentals

  • Consistency of techniques

  • Consistency of style

  • Consistency of final quality

  • Consistency of presentation

  • Consistency of research shown in the works

  • Consistency of growth

  • Consistency of narratives and directions, coming in groups of works and projects


  • Plagiarize

  • Only do fanarts

  • Have every piece of work be a popular online tutorial, a course or trend, showing no expansion of the skills learned

  • Have every piece being vastly different and unrelated techniques, styles, presentation, art direction

  • Show yourself as a messy jack of all trades in a concept art portfolio - all sorts of skillsets in a production shown at once

  • Use “style” as a mask for weak fundamentals

  • Have a portfolio that aims at nowhere, no consistency, no company, no vision

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